Monday, May 16, 2016

6 Steps to Improve Scores: By Starting in The 2nd Half

Pondok Pesantren Modern - If the interim report does not turn out as desired, can be quite discouraging. But that's no reason to hang your head! We reveal how parents can help their children to improve step by step the marks.

Step 1: Analysis of causes

No more, no less - Interim certificates are mainly used to inventory. The dice are far fallen. Helps children now most when the family left and constructively respond by taking enough time for a conversation. You may notice when parents attended:

Create fear-free atmosphere for discussion

For us parents, it can sometimes be a challenge to avoid negative comments, censure or penalties for poor products or marks. But it's worth it, calmly deal with the issue of notes. Because penalties & Co. counterproductive, students put under pressure and not, thereby helping to improve the grades - students fret usually that is already enough about themselves, even if they do not show it. Ultimately, our children should always have the feeling that they can get home, with disappointing results.

Take your child so serious, you meet him at eye level and look for the causes of one or another bad grade. Go compartment tray, note for note by - quite soberly and objectively, without panic and yet seriously. "What went well in the last six months, what is bad?"

To find out together where greater deficits are or whether simply lacked the motivation. Most children appreciate the reasons for their poor performance while an already well itself. Often they are very diverse, ranging from over- or underload, about bullying through to test anxiety. Including the teacher will help promote search for solutions to sustainably improve the scores.

Step 2: set priorities, set goals, motivate

Clear and achievable goals are defined, for example, the improvement by one grade in German - The causes found to the second step - together with the child. You should initially focus on one or two problem subjects that are on the brink. What is essential to better where maybe lacking knowledge or when is the displacement at risk? Stick with it but realistic. We often tend to set our sights too high. But only goals that are achievable, motivate us in the long term.
Note: Especially students to sixth grade are not yet able to autonomously determine learning objectives, and need help with the preparation of learning material backdated.

Also important are the small successes in between that encourage us. Here help milestones how to sign in unloved specialist at least three times per hour or to 30 minutes a day more time for homework take.

This act aims no longer out of reach, but can be checked continuously in the form of a to-do list. This is important in order not to overburden children and give them the feeling that they can achieve something even the little ones. Students are motivated to continue to learn - the marks improve (almost) automatically. ;-)

More Motivation Tips: 10 Tips for Parents: How to motivate your child to learn

Step 3: develop learning plan

In the next step can help to prepare without stress on class work and so long to improve the marks a learning plan. Routines and structures make it easier for children namely easier to focus on the material, especially if the learning time have a firm place in the daily routine.

At the same time it is important that children can learn independently and have a say. Therefore, take all agreements possible your child the decision is, for example, when and how much learned on Day together or leave.

Perhaps it would after school first a round of matches before it can be productively put on the desk? Excellent! Enough time for sports and friends should always be: Only those who are happy, fit and balanced, can really motivated and effective. And if all else fails, it is at the latest: Pause! Immediately.

Also plan a regular teacher feedback a - this can often best placed to assess whether already an improvement can be seen. → Checklist parent-teacher interview

Step 4: Learn learn Properly

Children absorb information differently and process the learning content in various ways. Perhaps your child has not yet found the right strategy for you? For example, it helps the auditory learners to read texts aloud. He can memorize content, sound and melody of the school curriculum better. Visual learners rely on the other hand tend to her eyes. For them, the school curriculum must be processed visually attractive. → For learners determine

Why not try together to find the right individual learning strategy.

→ More products with specific learning tips:

learn math playful
Hate physics? 6 Tips
Learning vocabulary is made easy
Tips for small reading muffle
Note: Only if children learn to ask the right questions and even find answers, they come in the long term on - and stay motivated, because they themselves have made their own efforts somewhat. This in turn boosts self-confidence. → "I can do that!" As children develop a strong personality So it is rather kontrakproduktiv if parents always long term help with learning or with homework.

Step 5: tutoring or learning support?

Think with your child (and the teacher) if they wish to obtain tutoring or targeted tuition in claim or should to compensate larger deficits and improve scores in certain, perhaps unpopular subjects.

Through external help, you can avoid family conflicts that arise often when parents are too involved in the school subjects of children, often mitlernen or to perform tasks.

The tuition ranges from professional tutoring institutes, private tutoring by friends to online learning platforms. Whichever offer you choose together, your child should feel comfortable and have more fun learning through the support.

Through trial classes with different providers, you can see if the offer is right for your child and can therefore truly sustainable improve his grades. ► try online learning worlds of scoyo free

Step 6: The right learning environment

Parents support their children in particular, by giving them confidence, time and space. This begins with a well-appointed desk with plenty of light and the necessary utensils. → Tips: Here I like learning "The perfect learning place!

Small tip: Do let watch a favorite stuffed animal in learning or offer you every now and then a steaming cup of cocoa on - beloved routines doing all the same much easier.

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6 Steps to Improve Scores: By Starting in The 2nd Half
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